Welcome to
Still Waters House
A Ministry from Birmingham Central Baptist Church
A time of growth for SWH
We've been promising you some exciting news for a while now.
The journey has been longer than we expected, but finally we are ready to reveal some fantastic opportunities for Still Waters House...

New House - New Staff
We are delighted to announce the addition of a fantastic new property from which we will expand our ministry to the formerly homeless of Birmingham. This beautiful seven bedroom house will make a superb home and support environment for our residents. It has lots of space inside and a stunning garden area to the rear. There's a lot of work to do to get it in tip-top condition, but we're nearly there!
Still Waters House is a Christian charity which aims to relieve poverty in its many shapes and forms through social action. We currently offer accommodation and support to people who have experienced homelessness or are in vulnerable housing situations. We work with our residents to help them overcome the challenges and complex circumstances which has resulted in their situations and support them back to independence and fulfillment.
We aim for excellence in all we do.
Still Waters House does not provide short term emergency accommodation and we are not a hostel. We provide a place to call home - comfortable - safe - secure - where our residents can begin their journey to independance.
Homelessness has many causes and no two stories are the same. The journey back to personal independence requires courage and determination, it's a road best not walked alone. Still Waters House walks alongside our residents to support them every step of the way.
Sadly, there are too many horror stories of Supported Accommodation providers failing to provide quality accommodation or effective support. We aim to bring the highest standards and to model excellence in all we do.
SWH works in partnership with
Green Pastures
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SWH welcomes and has adopted the Carter of Rights.
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SWH are members of
Homeless Link.
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Seen someone sleeping rough
and are concerned?
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Do you need help?
Or want to help someone else?
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