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Aiming For Excellence

Sadly, it is recognised that all to often, so called Supported Accommodation offers very little, if any support.


Still Waters House exists to ensure that support is at the heart of our work.


We aim to be excellent in this area, adopting best practice wherever possible, ensuring good training for support workers, and delivering support that is adaptive and appropriate to every resident based upon their individual needs.

Support Delivery

Support is delivered through our team of Support Workers and Befrienders.


At present, every member of the SWH teams are volunteers, and this is a unique (we think) attribute of our work. Nobody does this for the money, but passion and love drives our every effort.


This does not mean that our team is not qualified or trained however, and we expect every volunteer to undertake regular training to ensure we are offering a great service to our residents.


It is expected that, as the project grows, an employed Project Coordinator will be appointed to ensure the sustainability, continuity and development of our work.

Needs Assessments

Every referral we receive is unique, every individual exactly that, an individual.


Although all of our referrals are for people who have need of support to transition into independent accommodation, there can never be a 'one size fits all' approach to support.


In order to identify the individual needs of every referral, SWH undertakes a full Needs Assessment, noting the background and history which may have led to homelessness, and identifying the challenges and obstacles which may lead to avoiding future homelessness.

Working In Partnership

SWH humbly acknowledges that we do not bring everything that is needed to the table.


In order to ensure our residents get the very best possible support we seek to partner with other agencies and organisations who have greater experience and resource than ourselves. In so doing we also aim to learn and develop our own programmes and procedures.


SWH is proud to have been accepted as members of 'Homeless Link', an organisation that share our passion to offer only the best to those who come under our services.


SWH has also found great value in partnership working alongside 'Crisis' who have delivered excellent support to our residents.

Support Plan

Once a Needs Assessment has been completed it is used to create a Support Plan.


Our initial support plans focus on 21 different areas, and aims to shape the delivery of support in such a way as the individual is able to progress towards independence.


Support Plans are regularly reviewed to assess any progress made, as well as to catalogue any new areas of support which may have been identified along the way. 


Support Plans are always reviewed with, and agreed to, by the resident, who plays and active part in developing it as time goes on.

What We're Aiming For

SWH is currently working to adopt new structures and recommendations established by Birmingham City Council.


We hope in the near future to have fully implemented 'The Resident Charter' and to have successfully obtained the new Quality Standards Award.


SWH fully supports BCC as they seek to reform and restructure the Exempt Supported Accommodation sector of housing provision.


As our experience grows we hope to add our own influence in shaping the future.





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Registered Charity Number: 1200086

© 2024 by Still Waters House. 

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