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Delivering Package

For Referrers

Referral Criteria

To refer someone to Still Waters House, they must fit the following criteria.


General Criteria:

  • Male only

  • Single persons only

  • Minimum age: 25* / Maximum age - Open**

  • Must be eligible for Housing benefit

  • Must not be using a controlled drug ^

  • Must not be using alcohol in an uncontrolled manner ^

  • Must not be self-harming in an uncontrolled way.

  • Sadly, we cannot accommodate pets.


* SWH will consider a referral for 19-24 year olds in certain circumstances, please contact us to discuss this.

** SWH does not provide any form of nursing provision.

SWH has a strict 'zero' drug and alcohol policy across all of its properties. However, at SWH discretion alone, in some circumstances SWH may consider applications from low-risk substance and alcohol users who can abide by the property rules and demonstrate a strong desire to cease substance usage.


Support Criteria:

  • Must have medium support needs 

  • Must have a desire to be supported to a place of positive change

  • Must be willing to abide by House Rules and License Agreement Terms

  • Must be aware of and comfortable with the Christian values of Still Waters House

There is no requirement or advantage for any resident to declare Christian faith prior to, or once in, the project. Faith matters are not a formal part of the Support Plan. Engagement in any faith aspect of SWH is entirely at the resident's discretion.

  • Must be willing to engage with the project and participate in meaningful activities

Meaningful activities may include: volunteering, training & education, skills development, employment, engagement with community, social and leisure activities, etc. There is a target of at least 10 hours positive activity engagement per week.

  • Must be committed to attending support sessions and working with the support team to meet the objectives of their Support Plan

This will include one to one sessions with support workers, house meetings, workshops, activity days etc.

Can you refer into Still Waters House?

Still Waters House operates a robust referral process designed to offer you, as a potential referrer, your client, and us, real confidence.


We accept referrals from a broad range of organisations. Primarily this will be from organisations directly working with homelessness such as hostels, or night shelters, outreach teams, as well as drop-in and support services. We will also consider referrals from others, such as faith and community groups. It is important that the referrer has a good background knowledge and a period of experience and relationship with the person they seek to refer. 


We do not currently accept self-referrals, or referrals from members of the general public who are not attached to a formal group.


If you are interested in finding out more about who can refer, or if you want to make a referral to us, then drop us a message using the contact form at the bottom of this page, or download a Stage One Referral Form from the link below.


What we expect from a Referral Agency

  • You will be a representative of a formal service provider or organisation

  • You will be prepared to comply with the full referral process of SWH

  • You will be able to demonstrate a good background knowledge of the person you are referring through previous direct engagement with the individual

  • You will be prepared to work with SWH to ensure the applicant is fully supported through the referral process

  • You will be prepared (if at all possible) to offer some 'light touch' support continuity to your client during a settling in period


What you can expect from us

  • A clear and robust referral process with good communication at every level

  • Fair treatment and consideration of every referral received

How it works

Making a referral to Still Waters House is not a complicated matter, however we do take our referral process seriously and do not take shortcuts. Please note, we do not offer emergency or direct access accommodation, so be prepared that this will take a little of time and patience.  We have adopted a three stage process, which works as follows...


  • STAGE ONE: Download (or request) a Stage One referral form, complete it and return it to us. This is a short form that allows us to make sure your referral meets our criteria. We will confirm movement to Stage Two as speedily as possible.


  • STAGE TWO: Download (or request) the Stage Two application form. This is a much fuller form designed to capture as much information as possible in order to create an initial Support Needs assessment. This takes a bit of time to fill in, but is well worth the effort.


  • STAGE THREE: Following receipt of the Stage Two application form, an interview will be arranged between SWH and the applicant. It is expected that the referral agency will be present to support the applicant at this interview. Following this interview, and as quickly as possible, SWH will make a housing decision. Following a successful application SWH will draw up an initial Support Plan and invite the applicant to attend an induction meeting. Upon agreement to the Needs Assessment, Support Plan, and License Agreement SWH will arrange a move in date.

Please use the links below to download the referral documents. Once completed just email them to:

If you have further questions, get in touch!

Get in touch so we can explore working together.

    Thanks for submitting!





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    Registered Charity Number: 1200086

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